Random thoughts.

Posts tagged “street

One Hundred Eight

It’s funny how everybody likes to take photos of their feet. I think it’s because it documents, from a first person point of view, what is going on, where we are and how we feel.

One Hundred Four

The inconvenience of trying to be a heroine is that your protégés eventually become your kryptonite.

One Hundred Three

The more you tell me to wait, the more I want to start running.

One Hundred Two

There are times when you need the peace and healing that can only come from solitude.


Melancholy is the sophisticated and seductive sister of Arrogance.


The most unforgettable words are always the ones whispered to your ear.


I like when you say my name, makes me feel closer. For just two seconds at least.


Sometimes I forget to look for you in me and get lost in myself. Half the times, I’m sorry for it.


I can see you in me every time I look at the mirror. I see you, and you, and you, and you.


Ironic that we spend most of our childhood/teen years trying to belong and then most of our adulthood trying to be different and unique.


I can take the lead but I need you to watch over me. Just a bit.



Makes me so sad that Time flies away that when I can linger on him, I try to make him fall in love with me so he won’t ever leave me.


It’s valid to change your mind. Even if you swore you wouldn’t.


Resist the urge to tell your opinion about everything. It’s better if you wait until asked for it, even if you know you’re right.